Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Fly without Leaving the Ground

Not sure where this came from. I think it's maybe I don't get to show her powers in the comic. I swear the comic has turned into the Emil and Kiddo show but they're the main characters so I guess that's the way it's supposed to be. You don't read Wolverine to learn more about Cyclops. I digress - hopefully I'll be able to show more of Zen and Del next issue cause the way I wrote the en of this one it's just more Kiddo and Emil. And a little bit of Alpha and the twins.

Anyway - just a pic of Zen I felt like doing. If you've been paying real close attention you'll notice she's wearing Del's pendant from issue #4: http://musashden.deviantart.com/gallery/47355472/Issue-4-The-Chain

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Throw Back Thursday

Illegal Tender has a lot of history. The characters used to be in several different story lines, they used to look different, act different and have different jobs. Here’s a look at Sonya’s look throughout the years for #TBT

Saturday, October 4, 2014

I.T. updates tomorrow!
Illegal Tender 5x14 gets posted tomorrow!!! Missed the first 4 issues of Illegal Tender? I’ve got you covered - get caught up here: http://www.musashden.wordpress.com